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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Rain and Dilemas

Daily Jamaasian News

Hey jammers! Today in Washington it's just RAIN RAIN RAIN! It's cleared up a couple of times, but not enough to get outside for a reasonable amount of time. So, to pass the rainy day and since Cinapaw stayed the night at my house last night, we decided to make three new videos: School, The Lemonade Stand, and Store. Simple names, but oh well. The lemonade Stand didn't go to well, because Camtasia was acting up and making it hard for me to edit, but I'll get it posted ASAP. Right now Store is in the Videos section of my blog, and I will be uploading School soon.

I'm not quite sure of today's new item, so I will post that as soon as AJ starts working again. It's really been acting up this afternoon, and I'm not sure why. D:

Speaking of Animal Jam acting up, I have three new pesky glitches to report. First, I was making a new backup account and when I tried logging in various times, it all had the same outcome: It would load the first part fairly quickly, but after I chose a world the screen turned completely black with only Liza's voice from the Welcome to Jamaa thighy-mer-bober. Poor thigh must have though I was fairly dim or something, because she had to keep repeating: "Click your mouse to move close to me." Of course I couldn't because my screen was blanked out!

The next little glitch happened to me a lot this afternoon, to. I would try to log into my tecweb main account, but as soon as I chose a server the loading screen wouldn't get past six dots and would load there for like 20 mins. And after that, the little "You were gone for too long and got logged out! Click OK to play again." message would come up.

The third glitch was pretty easy to ignore, but still quite annoying. Whenever a two-line-long message or speach bubble would pop up, a small pixilized line would cross underneath the second line. This happened with regular comunication bubbles AND the The Claw discarding your prize message.

Very annoying! Anyway, I had accidently clicked the Drawing Table in the Conservation Museum and when I exited out... BAM! The Claw had completely dissapeared, with only the game sign left!

 Along with that, I was sitting around the other day wondering about something... I realized that last Monday's rare was a Rare Shark Fin! And yet, there was already a rare shark fin; the black one sold in the Leap Year party in 2012. Could the same rares come out again, just in different color coordinations? Or was the DE post right, the one that seemed to be labled "Rare Icy Shark Fin"? Cool, if you ask me. ^-^

Happy jamming! ;D

Friday, April 4, 2014

Scamming Debate

Hey jammers! Tecweb here, to debate scamming! I met saralouditutt in Coral Canyons and she was doing a fun little activity... turning purple to stop scamming! This exciting little play is currently being spread through Nile, go join in the fun! Here's a picture I got of the Debate Crusaders in action!
Catch frases like "Be a Jammer not a Scammer" and "Follow the Rules don't be a Fool" are used regularlly in these activities, so go turn people purple in effect of No-Scamming! Have fun, stay safe, and Happy Jamming!

Cool Mira thing

Hi people I was thinking about this earlier and I just wanted to show you in case no one knows about it enjoy! (btw you need 4 people to dance around fire to do this)
Good luck doing it and have fun. Also Mira does not turn red and give you rares it is a rumor!
here is also an updated photo lolz :D! 

Plushies + Tutus

Daily Jamaasian News + Glitch Detector

Hey jammers! For today's news, we have one new item: The Tutu! (colors and sizes may vary) XD Anywhoze, here we are, a fluffy pink bouquet of skirt!

Looks, fluffy. No doubt about it, this is definantly a tutu!

For reminder's sake, don't forget about the fabulouse contests going on throughout the blogs! The AJLC is hosting April's best buddy contest, and Trickster Style entries are due in four days! Send them in to! Also, over at, we have the silly stories contest! And, lastly, there is a new blog I would like to introduce, and I will be posting there as well as the AJLC...! Be sure to check it out!
Today is Friday, so that means two things: Glitch Detector and Giveaway Warning. So lets get onto buisness!
Today's glitch for Glitch Decoder is... The Sitting Glitch! This glitch can be done in Serepia, the Sands, or in a Waterpark Den... basically wherever there's a slide. To do it, simply go down a slide, change animals and do an action as fast as you can! And, what do you know? You're sitting in a whole new demension! Here's a cute little glitch gallery I put together with all the different directions...


 Thats all for glitches! Now, a prior warning for the second giveaway. Starting this Sunday, I will be giving away a Crystal Blue Dragon glove! However, this is just a warning. If you enter before Sunday I will not count your entry. To enter, type in your username, status (member, non member), and a good reason why you want the item. I will do giveaways weekly, so don't worry if you don't win the first time. Good luck!

I was shopping around the other day and I realized that the old "clearance" signs had been replaced by more convinient ones, that read "last day" and "2 days left". Check out Jamaa's new way of telling us whats got to go!

Lol, this is SO MUCH MORE CONVINIENT if you ask me! Anyway, has anyone noticed that The Claw has reset it's prizes? Now, you can get cheetah, arctic wolf, snow leopard, eagle, deer and raccoon plushies along with all the old ones! Awesomesauce!!!!

 And, when your set to collect, like me and bunnieawesomness5, you get pretty far! This is part of my Plushie Madness den!

Lions and kangaroos and snow leps, oh my! XD lol Thats all for today, happy jamming!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Eagles & Eggs

Daily Jamaasian News

Hey jammers! It looks warm here in Washington, but it's really FREEZING!!! Lol. Anywhoze, today is Thursday, and we have a avalanche of new items! Check it out!


Dens, pets, and eggs oh my! Speaking of the egg hunt, here we are!

Mother Goose's golden egg! How wonderful! :P Happy Jamming!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Rare Monday Review #1

Non Member Reveiw

Hi jammers! It's Cinapaw and today I am posting the first ever Review. The reviews will be whether or not this activity is fair to AJs non members. I think most things in animal jam are not at all fair to the non members. Everything is for members every where you look; member items. Rare items is one of these places.
 If like me you have been or are a non member you know this but if you never have, this is an interesting post in which to see my point of view on this. Here is some unfairnesses: Rare Monday items, not being able to type jam a grams, not being able to accept gifts, and not being able to change items color.
Here are some of the people posting or are mentioned on the blog that are or have been non members and know what it is like: Me, Tecweb, Bunnieawesomness5, Coffeemaniac, and Ninjabearrat. (sorry if I have your usernames spelled wrong.) I would like to introduce you to a certain non member buddy of mine. Her user is coolqueen and she is one of the nicest non members I have ever met, I thank her for inspiring me to post these reviews. Rare items are exciting and certainly cool, I mean who doesn't like a rare right?
 My point is most non members cant get those rares since they are member items. The rares I know of that are available to non members are rare bows, fox hats, butterfly wings, and mech angel wings. (the last one kind of surprised me.) There are probably more out there that I don't know about, but what I do know is there are much more member rares. I hope you found this post interesting if you didn't know any of this or if you did I hope you found this agreeable. I hope I did a good job on this post I enjoyed posting for you.  Good luck non members and members alike! Happy Jamming!!!!!!! ;D

Patched Rug

Daily Jamaasian News

Hey jammers! Today is April 2nd, and I'm kinda sad that its not April Fools anymore. On April Fools in 2nd grade, my teach tricked the class into thinking we were in HUGE trouble for no reason. We all fell for it, and a couple of us started crying. It was so funny when everyone learned it was just a joke!

Anyway, back to the point. Today's new item is the Patched Rug, sold in Outback Imports for 400 gems. It's a little bit pricey for a rug. The cheapest rug in Jamaa - the Jamaalidays welcome Mat - was free! Lol, better not get used to that! ;D

Ahh, today is faithful old humpday, so hopefully our friends in the fashion department will be doing the Newsletter later today! :P

And since there isn't anything else to do, I might as well post about the Secret Colors! Most of you probably know about the secret Crystal Blue color in Jamaa, but did you know about the secret white, raspberry, tan, purple, and burgenty colors? To get the secret blue, all you do is click the bottom right corner of the bottom right color (watercolor purple) in the color pannel! Whalaa, you get this beautiful crystal blue! It looks best with silver, gray, black, and purple! The other colors, moon white, raspberry, light tan, gray-purple and burgenty can't be obtained by simply clicking the corner of another color. These colors come with certain animals/games, here's a little list:
-moon white- obtained by acrtic wolves color 2
-raspberry- Best Dressed secret color
-light tan- cheetahs color 2 and snow leopards color 1
-gray-purple- snow leopards pattern
-burgenty- fox color 1

Also, over at Snicket's blog,, theres a new contest! Make sure to enter the Google+ Silly Story contest! ;D Enter by april 8th!

Hapy Jamming! ;D

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I'm Bored

Hey jammers! I'm really bored so I'm going to post! XD Lol!

First, My internet was acting up really bad this morning and kept logging me out over and over, though I'm not sure if it was just an April Fools joke from AJHQ. One time, when I reloaded the page, it glitched out a little bit:
Hmm... the picture has sunken into the bottom of the page! How strange...
Also, I forgot to mention another of today's returning items in the Daily post! Wow, four items in one day is quite a lot, wouldn't you say? Take a look at April's shiny diamond birthstone, reapearing in Epic Wonders after a year's hiding.

Lol, I hate taking pictures when I can't afford the item! It looks so, well... red. Gosh, it's going to parannoy me all day long now!
I have a new contest! Well, I suppose it's not really a contest, just a fun little question. What's the story behind your username? I was talking with my friend, Hollyleafstar, earlier today and she said she chose her username because Hollyleaf was her favorite Warriors character. How funny, she was mine, to! Anyway, comment your story or email it to me at! Here's my user's story...
Most people think I chose the first part of my username because it's just the word tech without the "h", and despite my efforts to tell them its pronounced T.E.C.web, nobody listens. Thats fine with me though, I kind of like it better when it's a play on words. The "tec" are actually my initials!
Originally, my Dad came up with that username when I was into Webkins. Lol, I still have exactly 157 webkins stuffed in my room! Anyway, he just typed it in and I said, "Okay, what the heck?" And so that was my username. I got really attached to that, insistant that it represented me. So when I created my AJ account, I couldn't think of anything better then tecweb. :P That's my username story!
In other news, I want to thank my buddies for all the support they have given me when I started my blog. Thank you to the following jammers: wolfie292003, goldcobra, pink200330, Eternalmyth1, Cinapaw, CoffeeManiac, bunnieawesomness5, ninjabearrat, cherryblossom110, DashingC, chillcat1 and elophil. You guys have helped me so much with the inspiritation and support put into the AJLC, thank you all so much! WIthout knowing it, akachip8967, snowyclaw, chocolate4050, Breathless, jzale314, snicket8419, ShadowCharizard and Windysnow have also helped me!

Thats all for this post! Happy Jamming! :D
(lol, even if it's after 12 its still April Fools! Don't forget to comment what tricks you played!)

Silly, Wacky, Zany Giveaway Results

Daily Jamaasian News        +       Giveaway Rusults

Hey jammers! I have some exciting news: Today's post brings the results of the giveaway!
It was SO hard to decide who won. Everyone had great reasons, and I was tempted to split it into fifths... even though thats not physically possible. Anyway, the winner is... *plays a drumrole* Eternal Myth! This was his (sorry for mistaking you for a girl I feel so bad D:) reason: "So I can complete my headfeather collection :D" Congratulations, Eternal! I will send you your prize after this is posted. As of the rest of you, don't worry if you didn't win! I will do giveaways every week, starting on Sunday and ending on Tuesday. Here are some items I have in mind, sign up for the one you want most!
-halo (brown, members)
-non member pirate sword (orange)
-headfeather (white)
-rare cupcake hat
-mech wings (pink)
-dragon glove (crystal blue, members)

And, since today is April 1st, we will be starting April's Best Buddy Contest! Send in a picture of you and your best buddy and both of your usernames to me at! Also, the Trickster Style contest entries are due in one week! On April 8th the winners will be announced.

When I got onto the April Fools party several days ago, I couldn't help but notice the absence of some of my favorite items: The zany, wacky, and silly items! I would show you a picture of their arrival in the shops, but unfortunatly, there isn't much of a picture to show!

The pictures are completely blank! How odd, that this happened to them at last year's party as well.. I suppose we just have to take a chance and see what it is!!

Also, through the past few days I spotted a little glitch! Whenever you click something with a pop-up, such as the moon in the wolves party or the ghost in the spooky party, it appears by your side. Sometimes, though, it doesn't quite like your side, so it decides to stay right where it is. Here are some pictures I found of the pop-ups acting up...

See that nobody is even close to the pop-ups? Silly things...

By the way, has anyone noticed what day it is? THIS BLOG IS OFFICIALLY SHUTTING DOWN!!!!!!!!!

Gotcha! What pranks are you playing on friends and family? Happy April Fools Jammers! (my blog is not shutting down ;D)

Commenting Rules

Attention Jammers: When commenting, please no being mean, bullying, swearing, or having inapropriate conversations! In order to make everyones time on the AJLC as fun and safe as possible, please follow these rules. Remember, every jammer has a right to have their own opinion, so do not be mean or rude to them if they think differently. Online safety is very improtant! Do not be disrespectful or rude to others. Remember to think how you would feel if someone did that to you; no, that does not mean you can be mean or disrespectful back, if they started it. Simply tell me or leave the situation.
Also, no last names, cities or towns. States are okay.

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SmartyPawz AJ - My Channel!

SmartyPawz AJ - My Channel!
Hey there Jammers! Click the image below to visit my channel on YouTube! ;) Fun new AJ videos and Speedpaints come out every day! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe! ;D