Hey there Jammers! Welcome to the Report Center. Here, you can comment any spam, abuse to the AJLC rules, unfair trading on the Trading Center, inappropriate behavior, scamming, foul language, bullying, personal info, and anything else you think shouldn't be aloud on this blog. Thank you for reporting these things to me, and just remember:
1) Never reply to an inappropriate comment/post, they just want attention.
2) Never give away your personal information.
3) Respect others opinions.
4) Do not take part in any scamming, bullying, or unfair trading.
5) Trade FAIRLY.
6) Depending on the situation, you can ask me if you should give back an item/items in a trade.
7) Don't use adult/foul language, even if you are an adult. Most viewers of the AJLC are kids.
Always remember the AJLC's blog and commenting rules:
Commenting Rules
Attention Jammers: When commenting, please no being mean, bullying, swearing, or having inapropriate conversations! In order to make everyones time on the AJLC as fun and safe as possible, please follow these rules. Remember, every jammer has a right to have their own opinion, so do not be mean or rude to them if they think differently. Online safety is very improtant! Do not be disrespectful or rude to others. Remember to think how you would feel if someone did that to you; no, that does not mean you can be mean or disrespectful back, if they started it. Simply tell me or leave the situation.
Also, no last names, cities or towns. States are okay.
Logic Center Rules
1. No Personal Info - remember online safety!
2. Play Nice - no bullying, being rude, cussing, ect.
3. Respect - everyone has their own opinion, so respect it
For commenting rules, visit the bottom of the blog. Thanks guys!
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