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Gifting Tips and Mailtime Schedule

Hey Jammers! I do own a YouTube channel, and though I don't do mailtimes that often, I think it's fun to do a good gift exchange every once in a while. Here's the mailtime schedule!

I will almost always do mailtimes once I get a number of subscribers either ending in a "5" or a "0". For example, I currently have 81 subscribers. I wouldn't do a mailtime because it ends in a "1", but 4 more subscribers and I will. The next mailtime will be scheduled once I have reached 85 subscribers. For now, the closest mailtime is the 85 subscribers mailtime. Then 90, and then 100.

Now, for some gifting tips. All credit to these go to Pink, because I got them off her blog. Click here to see it!

Pink's Guide To Gifts

Hello Jammers! This is a small gift guide! c:


Whenever you get a gift, say "Oh my gosh! Thanks so much!" and tell the person who gifted you how nice they are/how great a friend they are. :)

When gifting someone, give them something you think they'll like and put thought into it. For example, if you have... let's say, a green mummy mask, and the other person HATES green, and is looking for a blue demon mask. It's best to save up for the blue demon mask because if you gifted them the green mummy mask, they would feel awkward and feel bad about getting the gift because they don't like it much and would feel bad gifting/trading away the gift, then wouldn't know what to do with it.

If you get a gift you don't like, don't be rude about it! Say a simple "Thanks! that's very kind of you. :)" to them, and try to keep the gift in your inventory. Best there be no hurt feelings. c:

If you can tell the person feels awkward getting gifts, try not to gift them TOO often. If they insist you don't send a gift back after they send you a gift, try not to unless it's something extra special.

Basic things you should always follow:

Don't beg for gifts; it's very rude.

If you get a gift, at least say "Thanks" instead of running away before "they ask for the gift back." That's when they'll really want to ask for the gift back.

Thanks for reading everyone! I hope these tips help. c:

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