1. Monthly Featured Art!
July's Featured Art:
Anyway, to enter Monthly Art Features, just email me (tecjammer@gmail.com) with:
1. Your username.
2. Your artwork ;)
3. Why you think it should be featured!
I'll get to everyone eventually :DD
2. Jammer Spotlight!
July's Jammer Spotlight: Cinapaw
To get into Jammer Spotlights, just, well.. be a nice jammer. :)
3. Den of the Month!
July's Den of the Month: Bluerugshop
July's Den of the Month: Bluerugshop
To enter Monthly Den Features, just flash me an email (Still tecjammer@gmail.com XD) with:
1. Your username.
2. Why you think your den is awesome!
More Gadget Guides coming soon!!!
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