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Hey Jammers! Welcome to my blog! Hopefully, you can learn some stuff here ;) See you in Jamaa!
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Friday, August 15, 2014

Ladybug RPs

Hello Jammers! So sorry for not posting yesterday, it was a very full & busy day, ending with a friend's sleepover party and a fiddle jam! Anyway, today's new item is the ladybug hat sold in Jam Mart Clothing for 450 gems!

Also, I saw someone asking for rares in exchange for her codes:

Sheesh! People these days!

In Blogging bisuness... 
Scooter, owner of the Animal Jam Sky Blog, and a Blogging Idol in the world of Animal Jam, is leaving. :( He has decided to quit because he is to old, and his time is too 'wasted' on his blog. Click here to see his final post.

Have you guessed what Coming Soon means? Time to find out! 

I have been working hard on a Warriors Cats Fanfic, and decided to post it online so y'all could read it. But, when the Fanfic alone was too empty on the blog, I decided to create a Roleplay. You do NOT need to read warriors - but if you don't, it might be a little confusing at first. Click here to see the new Roleplaying blog! Or follow the links below:

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to check the new blog! Remember: it is still under construction. However, the Prologue of the Warriors Fanfic is coming out today!

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(hehe new post signature)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Knitted Flamingo Numnums

Hello Jammers :P Today's new item in the Summer Carnival is the fun Flamingo Hat, Sold for 2000 tickets! 

Photo Credit to Snowyclaw, because my computer was being SOOOO laggy.

I have a request: If you have a black knitted hat, that looks like this, PLEASE tell me!
 I've been asking around for a super long time and I haven't found anyone with it. The people who DO have won't even accept an overtrade! It's frustrating me. I need it to go with my rhino's look:

Here's my offer:

PLEASE DO NOT SEND IT TO ME! I want you to have items, to. If you send it, I will just send it back.

Also, have any idea what the new COMING SOON means? Keep guessing! It will be introduced VERY SOON!

In other news, thank you SO MUCH to numnum13, Pink's friend, who created a blog with many AMAZING blogging tips. Sadly, she quit. :( She asked anyone who used the home, previous and next buttons you see at the bottom of the page to give her credit. So, thank you so much, and credit to numnum! :D

Have fun, Jam on!

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ice Cream Sunday Bench + Kindness Page & Coming Soon?

EEKKKKKK! LATE POST DX So sorry, but I had a sleepover yesterday and then had to go to another friend's the next day (Today) At 9 o'clock in the morning DX Didn't get back till about 8:30 PM.


Today's new item is....

The Ice Cream Sunday Bench, sold in Jam Mart Furninture for 500 gems! Everythingin the new "Ice Cream Parlor" set is so PRICEY!!!

Also, there is a new page - about the members of the Kindness and Friendship Club! To get there, just click the kindness and friendship club picture on the side of the blog.
 This new page with feature every member. To costomize your pictures and description, or join, email me at! For more info, check out the right sidebar ;P

New Stuff Coming Soon? ;)

Jam On! August's Features have been updated!

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Monday, August 11, 2014

Poll Visor?! XD

Hello Jammers! I'M BACK!!!!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT XD So, in other words....

Hi. owo

Rare Item Monday ;P

RIM for this Monday is the Rare Sun Visor on the 5th page of Jam Mart Clothing ;)

DE Post:

Nevermind. XD Just all this adoption blabbery stuff. But, I just noticed that every DE post now has a Comment option!!! YAY! :) It's like a real blog now!

But, it must be glitching, because everyone who commented is called "Jammer":

Also, the results for the AJLC Blog Name came in! And...

The AJLC Won! I won't be changing the name!

Stay safe and Jam on! Also, the Jamaa Journals page has been updated with the new Journal! Enjoy!

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Commenting Rules

Attention Jammers: When commenting, please no being mean, bullying, swearing, or having inapropriate conversations! In order to make everyones time on the AJLC as fun and safe as possible, please follow these rules. Remember, every jammer has a right to have their own opinion, so do not be mean or rude to them if they think differently. Online safety is very improtant! Do not be disrespectful or rude to others. Remember to think how you would feel if someone did that to you; no, that does not mean you can be mean or disrespectful back, if they started it. Simply tell me or leave the situation.
Also, no last names, cities or towns. States are okay.

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SmartyPawz AJ - My Channel!

SmartyPawz AJ - My Channel!
Hey there Jammers! Click the image below to visit my channel on YouTube! ;) Fun new AJ videos and Speedpaints come out every day! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe! ;D