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Trading Center!

Hi Jammers! Welcome to the Trading Center, where you can make trading deals!!! :) Instructions and Rules will be listed below.

To make an trade, just say:
1. Your username.
2. the item/items you have.
3. The item/items you want.
4. What you would be willing to offer if the other Jammer didn't like 2.
5. A time and day (AJ's time, which can be viewed on the top of the right sidebar) to trade.

Then, just meet online and, well.. trade! Have fun and always be fair when you trade. Make sure you're certain of your offer before you give it up, because the other Jammer may not give it back if you ask after you've traded. If someone doesn't give back your item, report them to me by commenting on the "Report Center" page.

Have fun, and happy trading!


  1. I am snicket8419
    I am willing to offer a giant artic wolf plushie,a rare freedom sword, or rare fairy wings in exchange for BETA wooden floor, Any any non member armor, or rare bow

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Im Lovelycat898.

    I will trade all of these items:

    Freedom Helmet.
    pink pirate sword.
    pink studded collar.
    freedom mask.
    blue and pink spike collar.
    Rare Freedom Cape.
    Zios Mask.
    Shark Fin.
    phantom archway.
    golden egg.
    beta table (Normal Not Blue)
    howl plaque.

    I'll trade all of this for a rare pink spike collar (long or short).

    If you dont like a few items i'll change them to my other best(I dont know) .

    Time: I dont know yet.

    (let me know about typos)


Commenting Rules

Attention Jammers: When commenting, please no being mean, bullying, swearing, or having inapropriate conversations! In order to make everyones time on the AJLC as fun and safe as possible, please follow these rules. Remember, every jammer has a right to have their own opinion, so do not be mean or rude to them if they think differently. Online safety is very improtant! Do not be disrespectful or rude to others. Remember to think how you would feel if someone did that to you; no, that does not mean you can be mean or disrespectful back, if they started it. Simply tell me or leave the situation.
Also, no last names, cities or towns. States are okay.

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SmartyPawz AJ - My Channel!
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