Daily Jamaasian News
I'm mad at me. I'm mad because it was the 1st last time I posted and now it's the 9th. The 9th! I haven't posted for the last 8 days. That in itself makes me mad. Those of you who follow me on YouTube know that I've been doing a lot there recently. I'm pretty certain that with this silence, the only 2 followers I had have been lost...
Anyway, today's new item is the rare worn. Yay! Excitment! But, this is the second time a second color of a rare has been released... Now there isn't only the purple rare worn, but the brand-new neon blue!
Yay! The first non-member rare in what seems like forever!!
That's pretty much all for today, sorry for the extremely short post. I couldn't even use a jump break on this one! Stay safe and happy jamming!
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