Anyway, Spring has Sprung! Check out how the Epic Seasonal Tree is feeling about the new season:
How can you tell its spring?
In other news, today's new item is the Treasure Map, an underwater den item! This fun new scavenger guide is sold in Sunken Treasures for 400 gems. I wonder if it leads to any treasure in Jamaa?
As of other news, I was playing Falling Phantoms the other day and discovered something fairly parculiar, take a look see and let me know what you think:
I thought it was impossible to come in 0 at Falling Phantoms! How strange, it even says NaN Gems, I wonder what that would stand for! Let me know if you have an idea!
Also, I have a few blogging questions, if anyone here has a blog and knows, it would be great if you could answer them!
1.How do you costomize your site's icon? (the one displayed in the navigation bar at the top of the Google page)
2.How do you add a table into your blog?
Please comment with answers! Thank you all so much!
Happy Jamming!
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