Returning Party!
Hey again jammers! It's finally Spring break, sooo excited!!!!! Although, all we actually did in school today was eat and watch a social studies movie... lol. And, to my luck, only math reveiw today, no actual lesson. Yay!
Anyway, I have some exciting news! The April Fools Party has returned, with more new items then ever before: burger hats, cheese hats, hypno-glasses, and polka-dot tuxes! Here you are!
Funkier then ever, if funkier is even a word. ^-^ And, even better, half the new items are for NonMembers! Here are this year's Fools Shops:
Notice how strange all the prices are! The prices of the "Upside Down Potted Plant" and the "Upside Down Tea Set" are switched! Also, here's a fun little April Fools design idea:
Enjoy the new party!
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