Hey jammers! Today's new item are Winged Shoes, sold in Jam Mart Furniture for 500 gems. A little.... creative if you ask me. Lol, that's what I thought about High Heels and Sparkly Shoes, too.
They come in the regular 8 jammer selection colors.
We have this week's News Crew Report...
And, along with that comes some super cool Girrafe Jammer Art Features!

Yay! Glitches everywhere, now that there weren't any for about a week. Here's a strange one I found when talking to DashingC and Cinapaw last night...
Everything in Bahari is black, except the furniture! And the weird thing is that if I swam to the right, it would turn colorful again! How neat!
Don't forget about the Sky blog's Earth Day Party, tomorrow in the Conservation Mueseum in the Flint server at 6:00 AJ's time!
Over at the Animal Jam Blog, a new 'Chat' tab has been added! So fun!
The Animal Jam Blog
The Animal Jam Blog
Happy jamming, see you around Jamaa!
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