Hey jammers! Today's new item are.... More shelves, sold in Jam Mart Furniture for 400 gems. Wow, you'd have thought we have enough shelves already, eh? But oh well, they're still cool!
Also, it's the Logic Center's 50th post!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYY!!!!!!!!! :D How exciting?

Over at the Sky, we have an earth day party! Held in the Conservation Mueseum on the Flint Server, on April 26th 6:00 AJ's time! Everyone welcome!
Animal Jam Sky
No glitches today, sorry guys. That's all! Don't forget to shoot me an email if you want to join AJLC's new Kindness and Frienship Club (More info on the top of the right sidebar)! Also, jammer spotlights started today! I will be doing a new amazing jammer every Wednesday! Happy Jamming!!
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