Also, I saw someone asking for rares in exchange for her codes:
Sheesh! People these days!
In Blogging bisuness...
Scooter, owner of the Animal Jam Sky Blog, and a Blogging Idol in the world of Animal Jam, is leaving. :( He has decided to quit because he is to old, and his time is too 'wasted' on his blog. Click here to see his final post.
Have you guessed what Coming Soon means? Time to find out!
I have been working hard on a Warriors Cats Fanfic, and decided to post it online so y'all could read it. But, when the Fanfic alone was too empty on the blog, I decided to create a Roleplay. You do NOT need to read warriors - but if you don't, it might be a little confusing at first. Click here to see the new Roleplaying blog! Or follow the links below:
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to check the new blog! Remember: it is still under construction. However, the Prologue of the Warriors Fanfic is coming out today!
(hehe new post signature)
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